Checkout Our Services

CFT Managers and Staff have years of experience in the food service industry. CFT is happy to provide layout planning services and project management for new and existing restaurants. New Restaurants CFT’s experienced managers and staff work closely with our client's specifications and any specialized requirements, regardless of whether it’s the kitchen or the dining room.

Dining Room Design and Layout is an often overlooked element in a restaurant. The dining room layout and capacity must match the kitchen’s operational ability without compromising quality and service. Reduced serving time means faster table turnover, likely resulting in revenue potential. Existing Restaurants: So you just bought or leased an existing restaurant. Is the equipment a little tired or not quite the one you need? CFT can help. CFT staff can come in to review, evaluate, and provide you with a quote. Are you too busy or don’t know where to start your upgrade or retrofit? Are state, city, or county permits driving you up the wall? CFT can help. CFT staff is experienced with the permitting paperwork and process that can be notoriously overwhelming for the uninitiated.

A kitchen with many stainless steel appliances and counters.